Reduce Your Cellulite

143072735Cellulite is the bumpy appearance of fat on the skin. Even though nearly 90% of all women suffer from this ailment, there are still many misconceptions about what causes it and how to treat it. Some causes of cellulite are not so easily fixed. For example, hormonal imbalances can lead to increased cellulite. It is for this reason that most men do not have cellulite in the way that women do. Higher levels of estrogen are linked to higher amounts of cellulite. There are also genetic attributes to cellulite. If other women in your family have high amounts of cellulite, then you are likely to be more at risk yourself. Even so, steps can be taken to reduce cellulite and possibly even prevent it.

Treat Your Body Right

Not many people today really treat their bodies well. Fast food is cheap, convenient, and, obviously, fast in delivery. With modern conveniences, it is easy to spend an entire day without ever even walking outdoors. Well, these things may seem nice at a glance; they actually wreak havoc on your body. You need regular exercise and a balanced diet to keep yourself healthy. You need to exercise 2-3 times a week and eat healthy food. Keeping off the excess weight will not only make you healthier, but will also work as an effective cellulite treatment.

Do-It-Yourself Remedies

Other remedies for cellulite can be found in your own kitchen or in any drugstore. Caffeine is a powerful agent to use against cellulite. Caffeine tightens your skin and helps to smooth out the bumpiness of cellulite. You can either buy a caffeine-based cream from the store or make one yourself by mixing coffee with a cream you already have. For added effects, mix coffee in with a self-tanning lotion. The caffeine will reduce your cellulite while the tanner will help to hide the visibility of cellulite by darkening your skin.

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